Todays inner bitch message is : Dress up like your favorite historical bitch and make some noise. Um- NO! When I read that I instantly thought Betsy Ross. (Don"t know why) but WHY? WHY Betsy Ross? Next in line of mind is Joan of Arc- There, THERE RIGHT THERE is a historical bitch of merrit. I gotta say I would probably have been her in a past life. Martarism and all!!!
Wait-, then theres Marie Antoinette who was tried, convicted of treason and executed by guillotine on 16 October 1793. And Queen Elizabeth a short-tempered, sometimes indecisive ruler, who enjoyed more than her share of luck. Towards the end of her reign, a series of economic and military problems weakened her popularity to the point where many of her subjects were relieved at her death.
But what about the ones people dont really know about:Alice Paul (1885-1977) - The woman who rescued the woman suffrage movement (1910) and made sure women got the vote. Maria Mitchell (1818-1889) - Astronomer and professor at Vassar College. First female member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Sojourner Truth (Isabella Baumfree) (1797-1883) - African-American abolitionist, Civil War nurse, suffragette. Mae West (1892-1980) First to earn a million dollars in the movie business.
Among so many others, these ladies have done soooo much for women in todays america. So the point I am trying to make is - a great friend of mine replied to this in such a way that I loved. She said that she was her own favorite american bitch! So, there you have it! be your own best friend and everything else will follow. Great words of advise from a great woman!! I am glad I know her!
It's so nice that you have such an insightful friend. I'm sure she's glad to have you as a friend as well.