Ok- so I was talking to my son about yesterdays blog and he quickly started asking questions. What was his super power? What was daddys? What was anyone and everyone listed. I had to quickly explain to him that wasn't at all the type of hero story I wrote. He just couldn't wrap his brain around why I would write a story about heros without divulging ALL specifications about each and every one of the characters........... He then started getting huffy about how he wasn't really even listed so I told him todays blog would be a concentrated effort about my son the superhero (oh, wait he then decided he wanted to be a super villain)....................................
Lets see if I get all this right: SUPER TRISTAN has super strength, there was something about ripping doc oc's arms off, something about grabbing rhino by his horn and ripping his horns off too..... then he said he would get in a fight with spiderman for some reason. Lets see if I can come up with something a bit more complete and creative that will do my boy wonder justice.....
Once upon a time, there was a 9 yr old boy. He was a regular 9 yr old boy to the outside world, but what no one knew was that by night- when everyone was asleep, it was he who protected the earth. He battled demons as they are real as shown on Supernatural (which is a smart way for the heros of the world to entertain the masses while showing what really does exist). He battled The Underminer as The Incredibles never had the opprotunity to do so. He battled Two Face as Batman never really killed him. He took on Rhino, Sandman and Doc Oc as Spiderman is simply not as strong as this little boy to really prevent them from coming back.
This little boy was such a saving grace that on his 10th birthday, all his friends and family threw him a huge party celebrating how happy they were just to be around him.
But unexpectedly, right in the middle of the party his arch nemesis showed up and together they fought a battle so huge that the adults simply thought they were playing around.
At the end of the party, all of SUPER TRISTANS friends thanked him for letting them come and they all went home........ Tristans mommy tucked him to bed that night and kissed him on the head telling him how much she loved him and wished him the final happy birthday of the day. She then climbed into bed and fell fast asleep. All the while not knowing that her 10 yr old son had slipped out of the house not AS her son but as SUPER TRISTAN. Off to battle the evil that surrounds the world at night while we all sleep so soundly.
I am happy I am safe........
(wink wink)
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