As everyone in America knows (well, ok, probbably in the world too) we, the American people sent up another shuttle yesterday evening. Normally I dont care about these, but for some reason I felt impelled to grab my whole family, go outside, wait patiently to see the smoke soaring through the sky and take pictures as it happened.
As I waited, I felt the urge to fight back tears. As much as I don't usually care about the lauches, I did last night. It was beautiful to me. We not only are sending up the american astronauts,we also are sending up an asian astronaut who will be dropped off to live in space for at least 6 months.............
When I heard a few months back that they will be shutting down the space program here soon, I was a little disturbed. Every time we send a shuttle up (and as we have been for decades) it is a piece of history............ how can we be ok with shutting it down? Yes I understand the expense that goes along side of it..............
Its a beautiful thing to be able to watch so close to home. I consider myself lucky to live close enough to be able to see it from my backyard..........................and to be able to feel it when they enter the atmosphere................
I don't know. Color me silly, but I believe few amazing things happen that we can be a part of............... Although not directly involved, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it.
One of the VERY few things I miss about Brevard. I'll never forget standing on the lawn at whatever school I was at watching every shuttle launch. That's the only way anyone knows where Melbourne is!!