I could tell you today that last night I went on a date with my father to see Olivia Newton John in concert. I could tell you I was surrounded by older people and almost pushed out of my own seat by this larger than life, grape candy eating woman next to me who wouldnt stop talking!!! I could tell you that she is an inspiration for all with all of her rainforest research, and cancer research center she just opened. I could tell you how beautiful her voice is and what a delight the show honestly was..... And I could tell you that her all american girl next door representation does more for the american name than most americans do (Seeings how she is Australian).Oh wait- I did.
But I could tell you I didnt have a good time, but that just wouldnt be true.
I could tell you today about my associate Heather, who came in my office yesterday with this enormous lollipop made of gummy bear. I could tell you how she paid almost $12.00 for it, but how she says it is equivelant to 88 of the bears thermselves. (Oh wait- I did)
But I could tell you I think she's nuts, but it just wouldnt be true.
I could tell you that when I watch people on stage it makes me really re think my life.
I could tell you that when I go to concerts like that I cry internally from what my life is NOT.
I could tell you that I want to leave a legacy so important that it literally makes me sick when I cant think of what it will be.
I could tell you that I have never fallen down my stairs because cute shoes dont handle carpet well- BUT I saved my coffe on the way down!
I could tell you that my father told me I am not allowed to go on my mission trip to Brazil at the age of 30 something................
So I could tell you that I have found I live my life under every one elses conditions for me and have never followed through with what I start due solely to the fact that I was out of my parents box of permission.
I could tell you that when it comes to others I interact with, that I dont have a jealous bone in my body, or a prideful one either. (Oh wait- I did)
I could tell you I just made all the up, but that just wouldnt be true.
There comes a time in everyones life that you have to own who you have become. Take responsability for what your life is, and try to figure where your supposed to be in Gods will. And for those of us who are still on our journey, when we see others who are completely at peace in their decisions and with the path the road is leading for them its a little disturbing. One day at a time is supposed to be a great way to live, but when you cant step out of what you dont want for your life that has become you uncomfortable comfort zone.......... lets say its a little more than disturbing.
I know today was a surreal blog, but I couldnt help it- this is what came out today. It played out in my mind last night at the concert so it was what is being put up here for all the world (Or should I say my 3 followers) to read!
Holy Crap!!! I didn't realize I wrote this....oh wait I didn't....but I could have...well except for the Olivia Newton John concert. Yah..being a married single mom who left her dreams in the dust to follow her military/contractor husband around the country (who is rarely ever home I might add)isn't quite the life I envisioned, but I suppose it is serving a purpose for the time being. Smooches!!!! I mean come on if I wasn't on the computer all hours of the day to entertain myself how else would I have met this girl who is (whether she wants to believe it or not) wackier than me? LOL!!!! Cheer up woman, it could be sooo much worse. I mean you could have been born without fashion sense..then who would direct me towards the cute shoes? hmmm?