Ok, so I like to quote people. But that only shows that others have gone through whatever you go through. On a day to day we go through our lives, paying attention to the rules set forth for us and hoping we don't offend anyone. Let me ask you though- what good is that? Now don't get me wrong, I am an avid rule follower. I am speaking 100% out of experience. I have lived out of fear my entire life and its sort of inhibiting.
Marilyn Monroe has left SUCH a legacy she will NEVER be forgotten. Let me ask you, whats your legacy?
There comes a time in everyones life where they are at that crossroads. And either you happily go down one direction by choice, or you sell your soul to the devil to go another direction. Eventually learning it may not have the everlasting effect you wish it did. Either way, we as a race are never happy with what we have. We are never happy with our choices or their outcomes. The grass is always greener on the other side??
Why does it have to be like that though? We can be what we choose to be. We are our own destiny. We write our own pages....... of our own story. Although it is predetermined by the higher up- the choices are there for us to make. Why can't they make us happy? Why is settling for what will just make us happy be good enough.
Why are we always trying to do better? Let today be a turning point. Let it be a new day. Enjoy who you are, where you are and what you are. And if you can't do that-may I suggest you find what will make it possible.
til next time
I can't remember where I heard it now, but one of the most powerful statements I've heard was "How will you be remembered?" Your post reminded me of that. After hearing it, I started living my life a bit better each day. Love you!