We go to yoga last Saturday at the Sebastian ashram. You must remove your shoes before entering and you MUST be quiet to "focus on your breath" and such...... Ok..... I can do that. I don't have a yoga mat of my own YET, so I borrowed one of theirs. No big. We are doing bridge and mad cat and all sorts of wonderful moves. It is going great. The teacher then states, "we are now to roll over on our belly's and corpse lay" From there we did some sit in a 90 degree angle with our faces pressed to the earth and our hands extended outwards from our bodies....... The position is fine... I can't stop thinking to myself though "UGH I have got to get my own mat. This mat smells like FEET."
And it DID. I was once again holding in my gags. Press your face to the earth on a mat that smells like feet and relax? Um, I don't think so................concentrate on your breath and your nostrils.......we will say that was NOT hard to do. Even if she had not said for us to, there was nothing else I could do.
I get home and am talking to Lance about the class and he so lovingly says to me "Michelle, please take a shower, you smell like feet."
I just LOVE my husband.
Alright- I have to wash my face again. Just the thoughts of that are making me sick.....
until next time
xo xo
A new meaning to the term "toe-head"..love it!!!