An inner bitch fashion tip: Since we have to dress for work, why not wear clothing that makes our collegues take us seriously.
So yesterday, as I was flipping channels on the remote (that YES Ladies I knew right where it was!!!) I ran across the ultimate "I am bored nothing to watch on tv so let me stop here " show What Not To Wear. I love this show becasue it lets me know that in some sick sense of the word, I ____________________ (feel free to insert your name here if you are actually in agreement on this one) have a bit of fashion sense.
Yesterdays episode (yet again) was about a tragic construction worker who is in her 40's and has allowed herself to become one of the guys..... Now, don't get me wrong- there is nothing wrong with being one of the guys- as long as they know you have nothing downstairs that actually MAKES you a guy. She was an early 40s blonde, who wore nothing but boots, flannels and jean shorts......... (And I am not speaking like the 1990's warrant song "cherry pie" whose video reflected Bobby Brown in such gear. NO this was MUCH MUCH worse). I dont believe posters will be printed of this one!
It makes you wonder how sometimes people actually get up in the morning- look in the mirror and actually have a reaction of "YUP! THAT LOOKS GOOD!" and they proceed to venture into the world of public for all to gaze upon.
My husband and I had a disagreement a few months back about MY clothing actually. Let me set the stage: Its Mid Decemebr 2008. We are getting ready to go to my company Christmas party. Lance proceeds into my closet (which is enough of a walk in that its actually become my dressing room too- I have a son who NEVER knocks!) Anywho- Lance says to me "Do you want your presents now?" I didn't want to hurt his feelings, but I didn't want to leave myself open to not having anything to open on Christmas morning so I replied to him "whatever". He hands me 2 wrapped boxes and states to me "Maybe you can wear this tonite to the party".
I open the packages and open a black pin stripe pencil skirt (loved it but it was wayyyyyyy too small for me) and the CUTEST pair of black and white wing tip shoes........ (what? I'm Italian! I like the mafiosa look!!!) Anyway- his idea that entire Christmas is to get me out of my jeans and flip flops (HEAD UP OUT OF THE GUTTER YALL) and dressing like I own a business. He made a deal with me that I could have casual fridays if I wanted, but he wanted to see me in clothes other than just jeans............... so now I am back to bringing clothes to the dry cleaners on a weekly basis becasue he said he wanted me to.
I am going along with this to a degree........... I mix and match my jeans like the girls of L.A. and put my heels and cute blouses on WITH my jeans. That way we are both happy.
The shirt I opened on Chrsitmas was also wayyyyyyy too small so I traded tham both in along with a GC I got from my mother-in-law for the hotest pair of Leopard Print shoes. (see figure A posted above).
If I have to dress the way the MAN wants me to, your damn straight that I am gonna do it MY WAY!
Thats it for today. See- total 100% nonsense. This just took up an hour of my life to write , that I will never get back. So read this knowing that I did this 100% for YOUR amusement. No punch line. No lesson to be taught. No meaning . Not even a real story line...... Just a bunch of rambling for a plethura of reading enjoyment for YOU. Yes, YOU!
Once again:
Ha ha!!! That was great!!! And better the hubby gets it too small than too big right? I mean wouldn't you be mroe upset if he bought you a size 18 skirt thinking it would fit ya? LOL!!!Love the shoes girl...where can I gets me some?