My girlfriend Penny and I went to an ashram yesterday for some simple yoga and meditation. It was a 3 hour class called "dancing with the breath". We both were a bit confused as to what exactly we were gonna do for 3 hours........ but let me tell you, the time flew by and we were amazed.
You see, she has been looking for a sense of spirituality. There is a huge difference between religion and spirituality. Yesterday proved that to me. I decided I needed to go, as the class stated it would show you how to handle EVERY aspect of EVERY day through proper breathing.
Did you know that an average person uses only 20-35% of their lung capacity when breathing. Most people hold their breath quite regularly for whatever reason. Yesterdays workshop was to show us how to be aware of our breathing patterns and to see how much different we felt at the end compared to the beginning. True it was!!! VERY true!
I have always used my diaphram when breathing since I sing, but Penny was getting light headed.......... The little Italian man who was teaching the class said it was because her system is used to housing more carbon dioxide (which is the toxin that is released, when you breath out) and not enough oxygen (which is brought in as you breath in).
In finding your own spiritual place, you need to learn to be still. As I have said before, and no matter who your praying to. BE STILL. I never understood how to do that without my mind taking over............. I do now though.
We did these Tai Chi breathing moves that honestly just felt good to do. (Once again I will refer to a movie.......OK- So I watch a lot of T.V. !!! ) The movie Roadhouse with Patrick Swayze........ One morning he wakes up early and you see him in the sun rise light, next to a lake, doing these "martial arts " moves. After yesterdays class I have recently deducted that he was breathing to start the day.
I honestly am amazed at how relaxed I was.........We spent the last hour on our backs, eyes closed, invisioning our breath working its way through our body. If you SEE it moving you can actually FEEL it. But my mind wandered a bit when the person to the left of me started snoring. And then yet another person somewhere near the front of the classroom started snoring...... And then another a little more close to me......It was like an epidemic of nasal sound!!!
When we all "woke up" and started moving again, I could honestly feel myself weigh about 10 pounds lighter........like I was floating on a cloud...........
If you have ever wondered about yoga breathing and proper techniques, take a class somewhere- IT WAS AMAZING!!!!
thats it for now....
I can be 10 pounds lighter by being still and breathing for 3 hours?? Cool! Seriously, though, I'm glad this was such a positive experience for you. :)
ReplyDeleteO.K. You are officially MAKING me follow you. I love it though. There maybe a reson. You have to try Bikrams Yoga it is the BEST. You talk about letting go and centering OMG. We will have to go!!!