Some would say a perfect face. Some would say a perfect body. Some would say a perfect sun scape. A beautiful landscape, great architecture, a nice smile,silence in the middle of a hectic day, a mickey d's after a long diet......There are far too many sides to that coin. So I asked a few people for their responses......
One response was simply stated as "grace" so I looked that up for a better understanding. As per wikepedia:
1. Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
2. A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.
3. A sense of fitness or propriety.
a. A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.
b. Mercy; clemency.
5. A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.
6. A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve.
7. Graces Greek & Roman Mythology Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty.
a. Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.
b. The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God.
c. An excellence or power granted by God.
9. A short prayer of blessing or thanksgiving said before or after a meal.
10. Grace Used with His, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for a duke, duchess, or archbishop.
11. Music An appoggiatura, trill, or other musical ornanment in the music of 16th and 17th century England.
Another response I got was Blonde. I don't need to look that word up. Allow your imagination to do what it will.
Farrah Fawcett in her 20's
The way a womans legs give proper length to their body
And sunrises, sunsets, blue skys and billowy white clouds.
My response: well,to me the following link is beauty in its rarest .......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQ04uHn9nE as in MY opinion there is nothing more beautiful than a well written song. A story that moves you so much that you are part of it. Every time I hear this song, I have to stop what I am doing- close my eyes and FEEL it. I am very musical and to me that is beauty. Few songs move me quite that way. And when one does, I love it. Some of you may not agree with that and you are entitled to that opinion. I heard this song twice today so I knew I had to write this........ I was "MOVED" to do so.
In any case- no matter what beauty is to you, have it in your life. Every chance you get to be around it do so. You will be that much better for it.
till next time
ps (this is so funny I had to add it on...) All the women I asked answered teh question no problem. the men ALL asked if it was a trick question..... go figure.
Thank you, Michelle... excellent post.
ReplyDeleteDitto! And I still love grace as an answer. BTW, I asked my husband and his answer was....."You" Awwwwww! Bestest hubby ever! LOL
ReplyDeleteOOOOh that IS the best answer......... he is a smart smart man!!!