Monday, April 13, 2009
We are soooo much alike....

Friday, April 10, 2009
Would YOU?

I just got back from the Good Friday service at my church. Today is the MOST emotional day of the YEAR for me. I cry like a baby all through out the worship part and then spend the rest of the time wiping my eyes from the aftermath of my tears in hopes that I don't look like Alice Cooper while in church.
With today being what it is- let me ask you....... Have you ever thought about what it FELT like for Jesus to go through everything he went through? Both the emotional and physical pain he endured? How did he handle the last few weeks or days KNOWING he was about to die a terrible death? How did he survive the days leading up knowing one of his closest friends would betray him? Not to mention the flogging, beating and mocking. The ripping of his skin. The weight of the cross on the gravel road all the way up the hill to where he would be murdered. What about the feeling of the nails going through his appendages? That alone is a pain I see when I think about it, and yes, sometimes I can imagine how much it hurt.
Are you THAT obedient to your parents? Let alone to the actual will of God?
The following is a song I wrote when I was in a rock christian band in high school (actually the band existed only in my mind- it never became a reality- but I did write this at age 17). I feel it is completely pertinent to this weekend.
"I shed this blood for you" by Fortress (or rather Michelle Rossi)
Uncaringly they toss a garment across his weakened form
as his blood pressure fell deathly low, the crowd began to swarm
They forced him to carry his cross up the hill, as his face they punched and smacked
While the splinters of the criss cross beam dug deep into his back
From the lack of sleep and dehydration, his tongue began to swell
And weakened by his loss of blood, the prophet teacher fell
When he did, some blood splattered on a man named Simon Shoe
As he bent to wipe it off, the prophet looked and said
"Simon - I shed this blood for you"
**This blood can save the soul, heal the sick, mend the heart. This blood can give you access to the very throne of God. It can go the distance through the pain to where you are. This blood I shed for you, the blood of the lamb.
Violently they grabbed his arms as they tightly strapped each wrist
with the hellish looks of an army soldier-whip clinched in his fist.
Laced with chips of bone they beat him hard, from his shoulders to his feet.
It sliced right through his olive skin just like razors through a sheet.
Countless times the blood splattered as each inhumane lash was given
and several times his knees gave way as his flesh just hung like rivets
then surprisingly he turned his head though the words he used was few.
The soldiers faces all turned pale when he said "I shed this blood for you"
**This blood can save the soul, heal the sick, mend the heart. This blood can give you access to the very throne of God. It can go the distance through the pain to where you are. This blood I shed for you, the blood of the lamb.
Then they pounded spikes into his wrists bursting arteries and veins
And as they dropped the cross into the hole they dug his body convulsed with pain
Through anguish and torment that never a soul shall find
He tilted his head toward heaven and full control of his mind
With more love than any human ever heard before from that time or since
He made a statement that to this day makes the strongest skeptic wince
He cried "Father God forgive them for they know not what they do"
And he gave his life for the lost in sin he said "I give this blood for you"
**This blood can save the soul, heal the sick, mend the heart. This blood can give you access to the very throne of God. It can go the distance through the pain to where you are. This blood I shed for you, the blood of the lamb.
When your lost and alone, and your mind is confused
He shed his blood for you
When you feel you've been hurt or abused...
He shed his blood for you.
I hope you liked my song.
til next time
Thursday, April 9, 2009
With tears in my eyes........

Friday, April 3, 2009
Seriously- a tournament?

Thursday, April 2, 2009
I want to meet this guy....

This is really a cute story. If you like this sort of thing. I pass a car wash to get to work. One day I noticed that out in front of the building, by where the vacuum and air hoses are, there was this little old man polishing his bicycle. I giggled about it then and it makes me smile every time I pass this place as he is there EVERY morning. He takes his bike ride for either something to do, or for some doctor recommended exercise- either way he is at the car wash EVERY morning by 8 a.m.
He takes such good care of this bike too..... I can't see any specific bags in his basket to tell me what he is off to do or where he has been before. I do look to see if I can. What is funny though, is that this just started about 2 weeks ago as I have passed this placed quite a few times a day every day for the last 3 years and have never noticed him before.
It takes me back to a time when I was a little girl. My family and I used to visit my grandparents who lived the next town over from us every Sunday. We would spend ALL day there and for a 10 year old , it became quite monotonous and mundane. My grandfathers girlfriend had allowed me to dig out her old beach bike from the shed to ride around while I was there on Sundays. I did.
The first time I dug it out, it was such an ordeal. It was way in the back and covered in all sorts of stuff. Once I got it out I wasn't even sure it was really a bike. It was so bent up and rusty. I brought my father out to inspect it and advise me as to what all I needed ti make it an actual specimen of a bike. I learned a lot that summer. I took the wheels off and propped this bike upside down and went to work on it. I removed the chain that was all rusty, sanded down the base of the bike, de-oxidised the chrome, re painted what I had sanded down. I got a new seat to replace the one that was previously on it and a pretty basket for the front.
It took me 2 months of Sundays to fix it up to where I could ride it. And did I ever do so. I rode that bike all over the neighborhood. Up to the park and back with my brother. All over the place. I could get on that bike for HOURS and simply enjoy the la la la's in my head and the same old houses I had looked at over and over again. It didn't matter as this was my way to escape into my own little world for a while. And I MADE IT. All by myself....... WHAT needed to be done was supervised by my father but the actual chore of making this bike ready to ride was all me...........
I enjoy seeing that little old guy and his bike every morning. Maybe one day I will bring him a cup of coffee and go talk to him.
We shall see..................................
Til next time
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
How does this crap keep happening to me?

I was not gonna write this as I simply thought it a bit unnecessary but as it continued I couldn't laugh quietly and tears were rolling down my face............ here it go:
Once upon a time there was a girl who loved pita bread! She became a lucky girl one day when she drove by a new restaurant in her town called The Pita Pit. Yummmmmmy! Delish and healthy..... that is where I want to eat.
So she convinced her husband to try it ,and asked her friends if any of them had. Only one had and she said there was soooo much mustard on it that it was gross..... But this lucky little girl tried it anyway.
O K long story short(er) they did eat there but the sandwiches were less then great. For 2 pitas, 1 bag of chips and a smoothie.... it came to over $22.00....... UGH! Ok- whatever. Not a problem.......yum yum yum eat eat eat. um, um, um......why is my stomach talking to me? I was still hungry. We were both still hungry. (This is a quote from a letter later sent) We are not all you can eat folk. We should NOT still be hungry. But we are. I decide to let my friends know of my experience and the more I thought about it....... I let the mgr know as well. Actually what I did was send them a two page fax including a print out copy of what I sent my friends and a cover page with a little more detail.
I am expecting a phone call and am just not getting it.....ok, maybe there is no mgr on duty right now...... but BAM I get an email. This dude not only calls me out on my sarcasm but he proceeds to email my friends as their email addresses were on the print out. I would never have thought to do that!!!! Anyway he pretty much tells me stuff happens and from business owner to business owner surely I understand that. THAT wasn't the issue. I wasn't looking for anything free. I wasn't looking for anything other than just to let them know OUR experience. THAT'S IT.
I get an email from one of my friends who tells me she almost replied to me but then realized he would get a copy THIS IS WHEN I REALIZE WHO EXACTLY HE EMAILED. So, I email him back, once again explaining that I do understand as stuff happens blah blah blah.....
Girlfriend #2 emails him a short scathing note about how she didn't appreciate getting an email from him........ Girlfriend #3 is flabbergasted that he now has her email address.......all the while exposing our not so nice nicknames for one another.....
This goes on for a while and we are going back & forth (my friends and I) but in a few of them we cc all and I think he was getting some of out correspondence between ourselves......
So at this point I am a bit embarrassed. Tears are rolling down my face from laughing so hard. I cant laugh quiet any longer and am making noises like I should be beaker form the Muppet's or something... AHHHHHHH my cheeks hurt.
Anyway, now that the nonsense has settled, and I do realize I am a business owner in the same town that he is um, I am a bit embarrassed. Who said free pitas free pitas? I thin it is a quote by the queen of the dorks. Free mustard samiches for everyone!!!! wooohoooooooo
And to think, I didn't have a blog topic this morning...........
oh well-till next time
Monday, March 30, 2009
I am sorry....WHAT just happened?

Friday, March 27, 2009
what IS beauty?

Some would say a perfect face. Some would say a perfect body. Some would say a perfect sun scape. A beautiful landscape, great architecture, a nice smile,silence in the middle of a hectic day, a mickey d's after a long diet......There are far too many sides to that coin. So I asked a few people for their responses......
One response was simply stated as "grace" so I looked that up for a better understanding. As per wikepedia:
1. Seemingly effortless beauty or charm of movement, form, or proportion.
2. A characteristic or quality pleasing for its charm or refinement.
3. A sense of fitness or propriety.
a. A disposition to be generous or helpful; goodwill.
b. Mercy; clemency.
5. A favor rendered by one who need not do so; indulgence.
6. A temporary immunity or exemption; a reprieve.
7. Graces Greek & Roman Mythology Three sister goddesses, known in Greek mythology as Aglaia, Euphrosyne, and Thalia, who dispense charm and beauty.
a. Divine love and protection bestowed freely on people.
b. The state of being protected or sanctified by the favor of God.
c. An excellence or power granted by God.
9. A short prayer of blessing or thanksgiving said before or after a meal.
10. Grace Used with His, Her, or Your as a title and form of address for a duke, duchess, or archbishop.
11. Music An appoggiatura, trill, or other musical ornanment in the music of 16th and 17th century England.
Another response I got was Blonde. I don't need to look that word up. Allow your imagination to do what it will.
Farrah Fawcett in her 20's
The way a womans legs give proper length to their body
And sunrises, sunsets, blue skys and billowy white clouds.
My response: well,to me the following link is beauty in its rarest .......http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDQ04uHn9nE as in MY opinion there is nothing more beautiful than a well written song. A story that moves you so much that you are part of it. Every time I hear this song, I have to stop what I am doing- close my eyes and FEEL it. I am very musical and to me that is beauty. Few songs move me quite that way. And when one does, I love it. Some of you may not agree with that and you are entitled to that opinion. I heard this song twice today so I knew I had to write this........ I was "MOVED" to do so.
In any case- no matter what beauty is to you, have it in your life. Every chance you get to be around it do so. You will be that much better for it.
till next time
ps (this is so funny I had to add it on...) All the women I asked answered teh question no problem. the men ALL asked if it was a trick question..... go figure.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Todays Inner bitch thought

Ok, so I like to quote people. But that only shows that others have gone through whatever you go through. On a day to day we go through our lives, paying attention to the rules set forth for us and hoping we don't offend anyone. Let me ask you though- what good is that? Now don't get me wrong, I am an avid rule follower. I am speaking 100% out of experience. I have lived out of fear my entire life and its sort of inhibiting.
Marilyn Monroe has left SUCH a legacy she will NEVER be forgotten. Let me ask you, whats your legacy?
There comes a time in everyones life where they are at that crossroads. And either you happily go down one direction by choice, or you sell your soul to the devil to go another direction. Eventually learning it may not have the everlasting effect you wish it did. Either way, we as a race are never happy with what we have. We are never happy with our choices or their outcomes. The grass is always greener on the other side??
Why does it have to be like that though? We can be what we choose to be. We are our own destiny. We write our own pages....... of our own story. Although it is predetermined by the higher up- the choices are there for us to make. Why can't they make us happy? Why is settling for what will just make us happy be good enough.
Why are we always trying to do better? Let today be a turning point. Let it be a new day. Enjoy who you are, where you are and what you are. And if you can't do that-may I suggest you find what will make it possible.
til next time
Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I can't believe I forgot this!!!!

We go to yoga last Saturday at the Sebastian ashram. You must remove your shoes before entering and you MUST be quiet to "focus on your breath" and such...... Ok..... I can do that. I don't have a yoga mat of my own YET, so I borrowed one of theirs. No big. We are doing bridge and mad cat and all sorts of wonderful moves. It is going great. The teacher then states, "we are now to roll over on our belly's and corpse lay" From there we did some sit in a 90 degree angle with our faces pressed to the earth and our hands extended outwards from our bodies....... The position is fine... I can't stop thinking to myself though "UGH I have got to get my own mat. This mat smells like FEET."
And it DID. I was once again holding in my gags. Press your face to the earth on a mat that smells like feet and relax? Um, I don't think so................concentrate on your breath and your nostrils.......we will say that was NOT hard to do. Even if she had not said for us to, there was nothing else I could do.
I get home and am talking to Lance about the class and he so lovingly says to me "Michelle, please take a shower, you smell like feet."
I just LOVE my husband.
Alright- I have to wash my face again. Just the thoughts of that are making me sick.....
until next time
xo xo
Monday, March 23, 2009
Inner bitch food for thought

I am under 130 FINALLY

Our food ranking system qualified yogurt as a very good source of calcium, phosphorus, riboflavin-vitamin B2 and iodine. Yogurt also emerged from our analysis as a good source of vitamin B12, pantothenic acid-vitamin B5, zinc, potassium, protein and molybdenum. These 10 nutrients alone would make yogurt a health-supportive food. But some of the most interesting health information about yogurt comes from a different context-its potential inclusion of live bacteria.
Yogurt for A Longer Life
The highest quality yogurt in your grocery store contains live bacteria that provides a host of health benefits. Yogurt that contains live bacterial cultures may help you to live longer, and may fortify your immune system. Research studies have shown that increased yogurt consumption, particularly in immunocompromised populations such as the elderly, may enhance the immune response, which would in turn increase resistance to immune-related diseases.
Eating yogurt may help to prevent vaginal yeast infections. In one study, women who had frequent yeast infections ate 8 ounces of yogurt daily for 6 months. Researchers reported that a threefold decrease in infections was seen in these women.
Yogurt Boosts Immune Response Lactobacillus casei, a strain of friendly bacteria found in cultured foods like yogurt and kefir, significantly improved the immune response and ability to fight off pneumonia in an animal study published in the Journal of Nutrition.
A human study has confirmed that a daily serving of probiotic-rich yogurt bolsters your body's ability to protect you from infection.
Daily consumption of yogurt- both conventional, commercially available yogurt and probiotic yogurt (yogurt containing health-promoting bacteria)-stimulated cellular immunity in a study involving 33 healthy women aged 22-29 years.
Cellular immunity-our immune system's first line of defense-involves special white cells which serve as our body's primary means of protection against infection by viruses, yeasts, and parasites. In addition, cellular immunity is also critical in preventing the development of cancer.
In addition, not only did the ability of immune cells to effectively kill pathogens increased following intake of the yogurt, but this effect persisted in the washout period after the women had stopped their daily yogurt consumption. These results suggest that enjoying a daily cup of yogurt-either conventional or probiotic-may boost immune function.
Yogurt Lowers LDL, Raises HDL Cholesterol
Daily consumption of 3 ounces of probiotic yogurt significantly improved the cholesterol profile, lowering LDL (bad) cholesterol while raising HDL (good) cholesterol, in women volunteers.
Yogurt, Specifically, Significantly Increases Fat Loss
In just 3 months, 16 obese men and women on a reduced calorie diet that included three daily portions of yogurt lost 61% more fat and 81% more abdominal fat than 18 obese subjects assigned to a diet with the same number of calories but little or no dairy products and low amounts of calcium.
Not only did those in the yogurt group lose more fat, especially around their waistlines, but they also retained more lean, muscle tissue than subjects on the yoghurt-free diet.
How yogurt promotes fat loss while preserving muscle is still a matter of debate. It may be due to the fact that calcium reduces fat cells' ability to store fat, so cells burn more, and less is produced in the liver. Or, it may be due to the branched chain amino acids present in dairy products. Regardless, this study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, indicates that adding one or two servings of yogurt to your daily diet can help you maximize loss of fat and minimize loss of muscle-the optimal outcome for any diet.
Calcium-rich Dairy Foods Boost the Body's Fat Burning After a Meal
Yet another study suggests those ads linking a daily cup of yogurt to a slimmer silhouette have a real basis in scientific fact. Research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition not only confirms earlier studies showing a calcium-rich diet is associated with fat loss, but may help explain why.
Normal-weight women ranging in age from 18-30 years were randomly assigned to a low (less than 800 mg per day) or high (1000-1400 mg per day) calcium diet for 1 year, and the rate at which their bodies burned fat after a meal was assessed at the beginning and end of the study.
After 1 year, fat oxidation (burning) was 20 times higher in women eating the high calcium diet compared to those in the low-calcium control group (0.10 vs. 0.06 gram per minute).
The women's blood levels of parathyroid hormone were also checked and were found to correlate with their rate of fat oxidation. (The primary function of parathyroid hormone is to maintain normal levels of calcium in the body. When calcium levels drop too low, parathyroid hormone is secreted to instruct bone cells to release calcium into the bloodstream.)
Higher blood levels of parathyroid hormone were associated with a lower rate of fat oxidation and lower dietary calcium intake, while lower blood levels of parathyroid hormone levels were seen in the women consuming a diet high in calcium, who were burning fat more rapidly after a meal. So, it appears that a high-calcium diet increases fat oxidation, at least in part, by lessening the need for parathyroid hormone secretion, thus keeping blood levels of the hormone low.
Boost the Body's Ability to Build Bone
It's not just its calcium that makes yogurt a bone-friendly food, cow's milk and fermented milk products such as yogurt and kefir also contain lactoferrin, an iron-binding protein that boosts the growth and activity of osteoblasts (the cells that build bone).
Not only does lactoferrin increase osteoblast differentiation, it also reduces the rate at which these cells die by up to 50-70%, and decreases the formation of osteoclasts (the cells responsible for breaking down bone) thus helping to prevent or reverse osteoporosis. In addition, lactoferrin also increases the proliferation of chondocytes, the cells that build cartilage. For building bone, enjoying both milk and yogurt seems a good idea since lactoferrin's effects were found to be dose-dependent, stimulating an up to a 5-fold increase in osteoblasts at higher doses.
Help Prevent and Heal Arthritis
Lactobacillus, a probiotic (friendly) bacteria found in yogurt offers "remarkable preventive and curative" effects on arthritis, say Israeli researchers in a study published in the Journal of Nutrition.
Because lactobacillus has already demonstrated beneficial effects in other inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel disorders, researchers thought it might also lessen the inflammation of arthritis. To find out, they ran two groups of animal experiments.
In both sets of experiments, laboratory animals fed the yogurt with large amounts of lactobacilli had the least amount of arthritic inflammation, while those fed plain yogurt experienced only moderate inflammation. The animals that received just lactobacillus, even heat-killed lactobacillus, also showed significant benefit. Milk, however, had no effect. So impressed were the researchers with the study's results that they recommended trials using commercial yogurts containing lactobacilli in arthritic patients.
Protection against UlcersHelicobater pylori the bacterium responsible for most ulcers, can be shut down by yogurt, suggests a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In this study, for six weeks, 48 adult volunteers infected with H. pylori ate yogurt containing the probiotic bacteria Lactobaciullus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis twice daily after a meal, while 11 others received a milk placebo. After eight weeks, subjects were given the C-urea breath test, which measures the amount of urease, an enzyme used by H.pylori to allow it to penetrate and infect the stomach lining. In those receiving the yogurt containing probiotics, H.pylori activity was effectively suppressed.
Reduce Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer
Although we've focused on the benefits of low-fat yogurt, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that enjoying full-fat yogurt and other full-fat dairy foods, such as whole milk, kefir, cheese, cream, sour cream and butter, may significantly reduce risk for colorectal cancer.
Although high in saturated fat, these dairy foods contain a number of potentially cancer-preventive factors, including a protective fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has also been shown to be cardioprotective.
In this study, over 60,000 women aged 40-76 years were followed during an average of 14.8 years. Those women who ate at least 4 servings of high-fat dairy foods each day were found to have a 41% lower risk of colorectal cancer compared to women eating less than a serving of high-fat dairy foods daily.
For each increment of 2 servings of high-fat dairy foods a woman consumed each day, her risk of colorectal cancer dropped 13%. So, while research continues to indicate that it is wise to limit your intake of saturated fat by cutting back on servings of high-fat meats, enjoying full-fat versions of yogurt and other dairy products may actually be protective.
For Fresh Breath and a Healthy Mouth, Eat Yogurt
Consuming just 3.2 ounces (90 grams) of yogurt twice a day not only lowers levels of hydrogen sulfide and other volatile sulfide compounds responsible for bad breath, but may also eliminate tongue-coating bacteria and reduce dental plaque formation, cavities, and risk for gingivitis. The sugar-free yogurt eaten by 24 volunteers in this 6-week study was fermented with two strains of probiotic (friendly) bacteria: streptococci and lactobacilli.
Be careful when selecting yogurt and choose yogurts that contain live cultures-highest quality prodcts will often indicate exactly how many live bacteria are contained in the product. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermopholis are the lactic acid bacteria usually used to make yogurt in the United States.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The truth about acai berry

Acai Berry Benefits
Acai isn’t called nature’s perfect food for nothing. Below are just some of the health benefits that research has shown you can get from consuming the acai berry.
Acai Berry Increases Energy & Stamina
Jiu-jitsu fighters and soccer players in Brazil often have a large meal of acai berry pulp before a competition. Why? Aside from being a perfect source of nutrition and carbohydrates, the high levels of antioxidants in the acai berry lead to a drastic increase in energy levels and stamina. Taken on a regular basis, the acai berry strengthens the immune system to the point where the body isn’t constantly fighting off infections and disease. This frees up even more energy for other uses.
Acai Berry Fights Cancer & Disease
Free radicals are nasty little molecules that come from pollutants, pesticides, cigarette smoke, etc. They attack the cells in the body, cause diseases, and can even damage DNA. Antioxidants are the body’s fuel for strengthening cells and fighting off free radicals. As you know by now, the acai berry is jam packed with these powerful antioxidants.
There are some exciting studies regarding the acai berry’s ability to fight cancer.
Acai Berry Fights Obesity
The acai berry's natural combination of antioxidants, essential fatty acids, amino acids, phytosterols, and amino acids work together to help your body function better, process food easier, and burn fat more efficiently. It's one of the best things you can put into your body to keep it healthy. Subsequently, when your body is healthy and well-balanced, it will be much easier for you to reach your perfect weight.
Acai Berry Boosts the Immune System
The powerful antioxidants in the acai berry antioxidants in the acai berry, combined with the essential fatty acids, work as an anti-bacterial and anti-viral agent while simultaneously boosting the immune system.
Acai Berry Maintains Good Cholesterol & Fights Heart Disease
The essential fatty acids and antioxidants in the acai berry fight bad cholesterol (LDL) while simultaneously maintaining good cholesterol (HDL) and fighting heart disease. The same fatty acids also aid in the absorbency of necessary vitamins like Vitamin A, E, D, and K.
The acai berry also contains phytosterols, a group of plant phytochemicals that reduce cholesterol absorption in the intestines. Studies show that these plant compounds can reduce cholesterol in humans by up to 15%
Acai Berry Improves Vision
British pilots in World War II reportedly ate large amounts of bilberry jam before dangerous missions as they swore it drastically improved their night vision. Billberry is also popular in Japan where it is used to relieve eye strain from excessive staring at computer monitors. Modern scientists have tracked these results down to a rare type of antioxidant in the bilberry called “anthocyanins”. Not surprisingly, these antioxidants are also found in the acai berry.
On a somewhat related note, other antioxidants in the acai berry fight various eye related diseases like glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Acai Berry Helps With Digestion
The acai berry contains enzymes and other vital nutrients that aid in the digestion process. A functioning digestive system will not be plagued with acid reflux and other ailments. Acai also contains a healthy amount of fiber which helps your digestive tract process food.
Acai Berry Promotes a More Peaceful Sleep
Your ability to sleep can be frequently affected by stressed muscles. Acai contains amino acids that relax your muscles and allow for a more restful sleep. It also contains Vitamin B which helps to regulate the dopamine and serotonin (both neurotransmitters that impact sleep) production in the brain.
the boy who wanted to be a super..........

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Is it a bird? Or a plane?

Why is it that all superhero figures have to stand feet apart, and fists on their hips with such majestic looks to their faces while their heads are pointed to the sky? When in all reality, mine doesn't look ANYTHING like that! In fact, if he was to stand like that I would probably start laughing out loud.
Mine- well let's see, how DO I describe him? He is a short wearing, shaven headed, corn fed white boy whose hair is turning gray as he ages. He takes longer then I do to get ready so I can't say he is faster than the speed of lightning. If he jumps too far he pulls a muscle so I can't say he leaps higher than tall buildings. But he does always tend to know when I need him.
He is always there to help me when I am in trouble and he always catches me when I fall. He is stronger than any one I know as he puts up with all the day to day crime brought about by his nemesis GRUMPY! (Or any of the other members of the evil world we live in)
Do I feel like Lois Lane from Superman as I am reporting all this day to day action? Na- I really feel more like Mary Jane from Spiderman who triumphantly marries a superhero of her own and does her best to support his cause.
This is how I see a good marriage. They take two parties that have an equal amount of NEED and want to cooperate in their said cause. Good marriages are so beautiful to watch because much like a good superhero movie, when orchestrated properly- are eventful and entertaining to the masses. I thank God every night I have one.
But then there are the unsung superheros behind our day to day protectors. In my movie I have this list of villaneous male cousins who use trickery and sarcasm as their weapon against my superhero- which he battles whenever they are around with as much failure as he has success. These characters are repeat actors in our saga and I don't think they will ever be beaten or defeated 100%. There is a list of super men and women behind him too, that taught him the tools he would need - when and how to use them, and most importantly how to pick your battles. They taught him that a superhero can only be super if he knows which villans to choose and which to leave for others to conquer on their own. If it weren't for the people behind my superhero, he wouldn't be so super. They have schooled him into the person he is and I am thankful they played such a part in our lives. Even as they have all un leashed my superhero on to the world on his own, they are all still doing great deeds too. The world really does need more superheros!
Superhero fashion tip: Tights are NEVER ok for men to wear. These should be left for the female heros of the world ONLY. Capes also NEVER a good idea- from what I hear they catch drafts and can be rather dangerous. If left too long, one could trip and fall and just look silly. Masks- as everyone wears them, I believe they are ok. Makeup- also should be left for the female heros of the world. Its not about how your dressed- but who you are that makes you a superhero!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Who's the diva now????

Ok- look at him? He is sooo cute and cuddly AND FAT!!!! My father lives by himself in a huge house. Well, not exactly alone...... he has (at the house) 2 umbrella cockatoos, 1 african grey, 1 quaker parrot, 2 white eyed conures, 1 fat black lab and 1 fat beagle. (This is in his house- not mentioning the birds, geese, ducks, goat, chickens or horses he houses out back.) Todays story is strictly about his beagle. A 7 yr old pain in the %$# male beagle LUCKY.
My dad is out of town right now. That being said, the internal animal care falls on me. That is fine, I love his animals........ BUT he is a bit strange when it comes to their "outside time" schedule, and eating habits. One of the morning routines is that he gets 5 pieces of all natural turkey meat, warms it in the microwave for these dogs for 5 seconds and feeds it evenly to them. (this goes back to his lab- she has serious internal issue of her own and the vet has put her on a weird human food diet. My dad firmly believes that you can not be special to one and ignore the other so Lucky gets all the perks of Babys illness too!)
Anyway- after our trip to the zoo on Sunday, Tristan and I decided that we would go over to my fathers house to go swimming in the pool. Realizing that I dont believe the same way my father does in how to feed his dogs, I take out the turkey meat that I had ignored giving them, to give them their snack. I AM NOT WARMING IT UP FOR THEM THOUGH! THEY ARE DOGS!!!!! I hand it over to the lab and she gobbles the pieces up I give her. I offer the same amount to Lucky and he turns his nose up to it. ALRIGHT THEN, BABY CAN HAVE HIS SHARE!
Today is Wednesday. It has been a few days since I have given them their turkey treat. I figure if its not gone in the least my father will notice and get upset that I didn't properly take care of his animals. ARGH!!!! I get the turkey out, and this morning, I do admit, I warmed it up for them. I give Baby hers, and she gobbles it up. The I proceed to offer some to Lucky- and he gobbles it up. Are you kidding me? I really have to warm this up for him? Who does he think he is? Who does he think I am? And what is my purpose in this world to him? To simply be his meat butler?
The fat as anything beagle pictured up top is not picky about anything....he will eat ANYTHING!!! But obviously not! Lesson learned (as I have always said) I understand when people allow their animals to adopt their childrens spot in their hearts, really I do. But when your animals train you -instead of the other way around, it is a bit ridiculous. I think I will be having me some turkey sandwiches for a few days for lunch!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Um what should I call this one?

"A bottle of red........ A bottle of white...... whatever kind of mood you're in tonite............... I'll meet you any time you want............ At our Italian Restaraunt"
Friday night, I had the opportunity to dine with a good friend of mine at a place I had never been to named "skewers". It is mediteranean food (greek) and oh soooo delish. We dined on yummy pita bread, and white rice, and I ordered a garlic chicken dish (you can never go wrong with anything douced in garlic) and she ordered Kafka (or rather hamburger) hers was not so delish. We enjoyed good food, great water, exceptional atmosphere, and delighted in the company we kept. It was a night of all nights. The conversation was one of intellect, as I try to always make it such with this particular friend becasue she IS an intellect- but she loves me anyway! There was a father daughter team sitting at the table behind us, and as they got up to leave she proceeded to ask "are we being too loud?" and the father quickly replied...."I was gonna ask you the same thing......"
Monday night, I had the opportunity to dine with another good friend of mine at yet another place I had never been to before named "island fish grill". It is a quaint little locals restarant that is home to a number of fresh fish dishes and probably Melbournes best ceasar salad. (No, seriously- that is how it is listed on their menu.) I dined on a steak and she on fish. To be honest though the conversation was so good and comical at times, that we could have been eating tar off the boardwalk and I don't think either one of us would have noticed. We discussed everything from past friends, to God, cars, drugs and death. It too was a night I will never forget. There was a party of 5 sitting next to us- a woman , her sister, her brother , and her two nieces....she asked "Are we being too loud?" we replied "We were gonna ask the same thing!"
There is something to be said about the dinner company you keep. In this day and age, it is far too easy to be and not really be alive. There is such a difference, and I am finding that more and more people are enjoying thier situations, making the most of them, and that are just happy to be alive. I know I am!!!
until next time
Monday, March 16, 2009
Another day in history..........

As everyone in America knows (well, ok, probbably in the world too) we, the American people sent up another shuttle yesterday evening. Normally I dont care about these, but for some reason I felt impelled to grab my whole family, go outside, wait patiently to see the smoke soaring through the sky and take pictures as it happened.
As I waited, I felt the urge to fight back tears. As much as I don't usually care about the lauches, I did last night. It was beautiful to me. We not only are sending up the american astronauts,we also are sending up an asian astronaut who will be dropped off to live in space for at least 6 months.............
When I heard a few months back that they will be shutting down the space program here soon, I was a little disturbed. Every time we send a shuttle up (and as we have been for decades) it is a piece of history............ how can we be ok with shutting it down? Yes I understand the expense that goes along side of it..............
Its a beautiful thing to be able to watch so close to home. I consider myself lucky to live close enough to be able to see it from my backyard..........................and to be able to feel it when they enter the atmosphere................
I don't know. Color me silly, but I believe few amazing things happen that we can be a part of............... Although not directly involved, I am grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of it.
(wo) Man vs. the crocodile

Knowing that it is hot outside, we also bring along his zoo camp water bottle full of icey water goodness!!!!!! Ready- Set- GO!!!!! Our day at the zoo begins with the newly remodled childrens center. Exploring the cave and making our way to the top to lower eggs into a birds nest and raise other eggs back up to the one where we were standing....... THAT was fun. It was the making it to that point that was, well, lets say a bit difficult for someone my height (and I am not a tall girl.) walking through the cave it is BLACK, PITCH BLACK. I can't see an inch in front of me but I am walking and BONK!!! I hit my head on the cave ceiling...... OMG that HURT!!!!!! Ok, I find my way out of the cave but I am up on top of it....AW crap TELL me there is another
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Woo hooo its Saturday!!!!! No work!!! (well not for most- today there is for me) I am missing my sons soccer game to be here BUT THAT'S OK!!!!! I am still in a good mood. The sun can not decide if it wants to be out to shine or if it wants to hide behind the clouds so it can share the light with rain (which we so desperately need).
Today- I woke up, worked out, made breakfast for the clan and came in to work. I am playing servant to everyone who walks through those doors so I hope most of them share the good mood I am in today! I have had great cyber company thus far today and am looking forward to....... well nothing really. As long as I am alive, I am happy. Point being- happy Saturday yall!! Go make it great!!!