Cornhole is a lawn game in which players take turns pitching cornhole bags—cotton duck bags filled with feed corn—at a raised platform with a hole in the far end. These platforms are usually made with plywood or occasionally plastic, and are often decorated. A corn bag in the hole scores 3 points, while one on the platform scores 1 point. Play continues until a player reaches the score of 21.
This being said my brother is all about the game. Its a great past time where he and his beer drinking buddies bet and play.
He called me Thursday afternoon and asked me if I owned a sewing machine because he needed to get new bags as he went to his shed to pull his out for the tournament Friday, but rats had eaten through the bags..... OH CRAP!
I told him I could arrange for the new ones to be filled to exactly the weight they needed to be and he could be made ready! He goes to the feed store and buys a bag of corn. He goes to Dicks sporting goods and buys new bags. He goes to Walgreen's and buys a measuring cup. He then proceeds to come here to where I have arranged a MEET between him and the seamstress to get together for this epic disaster he has laying on his shoulders.
He comes to my store and starts measuring out the corn needed to an exact kernel.
He then proceeds to let me know that my friend needs to simply have red thread and blue thread and a seam puller..........and that his competition is Friday and he needs them back asap.
Now anyone with half a brain could tell you needed red and blue thread as the bags were , well um, blue and red. AND if he wanted them opened and filled , well then yeah you sort of need a way to open them. AHH I MUST NOW INVENT SOMETHING TO OPEN SEAMS.... Oh wait, such a thing exists...........
Anyway the meets happens and my friend picks up his bean bags (its about 3 pm now) We told him we would call him when they were done........ but reassured him that he would have them in time for the tournament. He then starts getting antsy telling us we may need to come up with game plan #2...... why was it gonna take so long blah blah freaking BLAH!!!!
I get a phone call from Steve at 5:32 that night "Are they done?"
"Um, no Steve. I will call you once I hear from Robyn." and we hang up. Not two minutes later I get a call from Robyn "Um, about these bags....." she says. "The one that had a hole in it I tried to fix. But it didn't look good so I re opened the bag and was gonna do a sew on inside of it. When I put the iron on the material (that he had told her was a cotton) it shrunk. I have to go to the material store to get new material for him."
She did. She got what she needed and made these bags miraculously for him so very quickly. She then calls me at maybe 7pm and told me his bags were ready. I called him and had him go get them from her.
I spoke to him this morning....... He got them, used them for practice and have already broken one...... ALL THAT and now he still doesn't have good and proper bags to play with. MEN!
My moral to this cornhole of a story is- If you know you have something to do, don't wait til the last minute to check your stuff out that you need for it. Shit happened- ALL THE TIME. There is no proper balance to this universe...... you need to prepare rather than wait. Before hand. GRRRRRRRR
So, Steve, for tonites tournament of CORNHOLE- this buds for you.
til next time
Hahaha!!! Men are dorks.