Tomorrow is Good Friday. The day Jesus Christ was crucified and killed. We always sit through our lives wondering how a God that is merciful could allow us such pain as we go through ( disease, famine, job loss, home foreclosure- whatever the case is right now) but please bear in mind that we are brought THROUGH all our strives that God brings us to. He has not left us. And for all the complaining we do, we need to step back and remember that nothing, NOTHING, we go through is as much as Jesus did on the day he was murdered. Nothing.
Although we find our own storms to be simply a source of pain, maybe we should step back and look at it differently. Maybe our tumultuous time is meant to be a calling, or a saving grace- for someone else. Maybe even someone we don't know. My mother died about 3 and a half years ago. When she did, we weren't speaking. I have to live with this every day, for the rest of my life. I am only telling you this because once I came through my own pain of her death, I can view it differently. I miss her very much, but I have found such a peace in her death that I never knew could exist. I have also found God. I am just sorry she never got to know this me.
I look at things totally differently then I did while she was alive. I can now look at things through another set of eyes in hopes that whatever I say to someone can help them. I am not simply giving advice that SOUNDS good, but that IS good. I am not a selfish person. I am not indulgent in much of anything any longer. I know that whatever my day to day brings me, my God will get me through it in the end. Just as he did his son.
Whatever you are going through, I implore you to hand it over to God. Allow him to give you a peace that you so deserve. There is nothing more glorious. He died for you.... He loves you. We don't deserve it, but it is truth.
Whatever cross your walking with this weekend, know that it will be ok. This weekend dates back to Jesus' death- and His Rising. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter. Please take from it more than colored eggs and chocolate bunnies.
til next time
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