Monday, April 13, 2009
We are soooo much alike....

Friday, April 10, 2009
Would YOU?

I just got back from the Good Friday service at my church. Today is the MOST emotional day of the YEAR for me. I cry like a baby all through out the worship part and then spend the rest of the time wiping my eyes from the aftermath of my tears in hopes that I don't look like Alice Cooper while in church.
With today being what it is- let me ask you....... Have you ever thought about what it FELT like for Jesus to go through everything he went through? Both the emotional and physical pain he endured? How did he handle the last few weeks or days KNOWING he was about to die a terrible death? How did he survive the days leading up knowing one of his closest friends would betray him? Not to mention the flogging, beating and mocking. The ripping of his skin. The weight of the cross on the gravel road all the way up the hill to where he would be murdered. What about the feeling of the nails going through his appendages? That alone is a pain I see when I think about it, and yes, sometimes I can imagine how much it hurt.
Are you THAT obedient to your parents? Let alone to the actual will of God?
The following is a song I wrote when I was in a rock christian band in high school (actually the band existed only in my mind- it never became a reality- but I did write this at age 17). I feel it is completely pertinent to this weekend.
"I shed this blood for you" by Fortress (or rather Michelle Rossi)
Uncaringly they toss a garment across his weakened form
as his blood pressure fell deathly low, the crowd began to swarm
They forced him to carry his cross up the hill, as his face they punched and smacked
While the splinters of the criss cross beam dug deep into his back
From the lack of sleep and dehydration, his tongue began to swell
And weakened by his loss of blood, the prophet teacher fell
When he did, some blood splattered on a man named Simon Shoe
As he bent to wipe it off, the prophet looked and said
"Simon - I shed this blood for you"
**This blood can save the soul, heal the sick, mend the heart. This blood can give you access to the very throne of God. It can go the distance through the pain to where you are. This blood I shed for you, the blood of the lamb.
Violently they grabbed his arms as they tightly strapped each wrist
with the hellish looks of an army soldier-whip clinched in his fist.
Laced with chips of bone they beat him hard, from his shoulders to his feet.
It sliced right through his olive skin just like razors through a sheet.
Countless times the blood splattered as each inhumane lash was given
and several times his knees gave way as his flesh just hung like rivets
then surprisingly he turned his head though the words he used was few.
The soldiers faces all turned pale when he said "I shed this blood for you"
**This blood can save the soul, heal the sick, mend the heart. This blood can give you access to the very throne of God. It can go the distance through the pain to where you are. This blood I shed for you, the blood of the lamb.
Then they pounded spikes into his wrists bursting arteries and veins
And as they dropped the cross into the hole they dug his body convulsed with pain
Through anguish and torment that never a soul shall find
He tilted his head toward heaven and full control of his mind
With more love than any human ever heard before from that time or since
He made a statement that to this day makes the strongest skeptic wince
He cried "Father God forgive them for they know not what they do"
And he gave his life for the lost in sin he said "I give this blood for you"
**This blood can save the soul, heal the sick, mend the heart. This blood can give you access to the very throne of God. It can go the distance through the pain to where you are. This blood I shed for you, the blood of the lamb.
When your lost and alone, and your mind is confused
He shed his blood for you
When you feel you've been hurt or abused...
He shed his blood for you.
I hope you liked my song.
til next time
Thursday, April 9, 2009
With tears in my eyes........

Friday, April 3, 2009
Seriously- a tournament?

Thursday, April 2, 2009
I want to meet this guy....

This is really a cute story. If you like this sort of thing. I pass a car wash to get to work. One day I noticed that out in front of the building, by where the vacuum and air hoses are, there was this little old man polishing his bicycle. I giggled about it then and it makes me smile every time I pass this place as he is there EVERY morning. He takes his bike ride for either something to do, or for some doctor recommended exercise- either way he is at the car wash EVERY morning by 8 a.m.
He takes such good care of this bike too..... I can't see any specific bags in his basket to tell me what he is off to do or where he has been before. I do look to see if I can. What is funny though, is that this just started about 2 weeks ago as I have passed this placed quite a few times a day every day for the last 3 years and have never noticed him before.
It takes me back to a time when I was a little girl. My family and I used to visit my grandparents who lived the next town over from us every Sunday. We would spend ALL day there and for a 10 year old , it became quite monotonous and mundane. My grandfathers girlfriend had allowed me to dig out her old beach bike from the shed to ride around while I was there on Sundays. I did.
The first time I dug it out, it was such an ordeal. It was way in the back and covered in all sorts of stuff. Once I got it out I wasn't even sure it was really a bike. It was so bent up and rusty. I brought my father out to inspect it and advise me as to what all I needed ti make it an actual specimen of a bike. I learned a lot that summer. I took the wheels off and propped this bike upside down and went to work on it. I removed the chain that was all rusty, sanded down the base of the bike, de-oxidised the chrome, re painted what I had sanded down. I got a new seat to replace the one that was previously on it and a pretty basket for the front.
It took me 2 months of Sundays to fix it up to where I could ride it. And did I ever do so. I rode that bike all over the neighborhood. Up to the park and back with my brother. All over the place. I could get on that bike for HOURS and simply enjoy the la la la's in my head and the same old houses I had looked at over and over again. It didn't matter as this was my way to escape into my own little world for a while. And I MADE IT. All by myself....... WHAT needed to be done was supervised by my father but the actual chore of making this bike ready to ride was all me...........
I enjoy seeing that little old guy and his bike every morning. Maybe one day I will bring him a cup of coffee and go talk to him.
We shall see..................................
Til next time
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
How does this crap keep happening to me?

I was not gonna write this as I simply thought it a bit unnecessary but as it continued I couldn't laugh quietly and tears were rolling down my face............ here it go:
Once upon a time there was a girl who loved pita bread! She became a lucky girl one day when she drove by a new restaurant in her town called The Pita Pit. Yummmmmmy! Delish and healthy..... that is where I want to eat.
So she convinced her husband to try it ,and asked her friends if any of them had. Only one had and she said there was soooo much mustard on it that it was gross..... But this lucky little girl tried it anyway.
O K long story short(er) they did eat there but the sandwiches were less then great. For 2 pitas, 1 bag of chips and a smoothie.... it came to over $22.00....... UGH! Ok- whatever. Not a problem.......yum yum yum eat eat eat. um, um, um......why is my stomach talking to me? I was still hungry. We were both still hungry. (This is a quote from a letter later sent) We are not all you can eat folk. We should NOT still be hungry. But we are. I decide to let my friends know of my experience and the more I thought about it....... I let the mgr know as well. Actually what I did was send them a two page fax including a print out copy of what I sent my friends and a cover page with a little more detail.
I am expecting a phone call and am just not getting it.....ok, maybe there is no mgr on duty right now...... but BAM I get an email. This dude not only calls me out on my sarcasm but he proceeds to email my friends as their email addresses were on the print out. I would never have thought to do that!!!! Anyway he pretty much tells me stuff happens and from business owner to business owner surely I understand that. THAT wasn't the issue. I wasn't looking for anything free. I wasn't looking for anything other than just to let them know OUR experience. THAT'S IT.
I get an email from one of my friends who tells me she almost replied to me but then realized he would get a copy THIS IS WHEN I REALIZE WHO EXACTLY HE EMAILED. So, I email him back, once again explaining that I do understand as stuff happens blah blah blah.....
Girlfriend #2 emails him a short scathing note about how she didn't appreciate getting an email from him........ Girlfriend #3 is flabbergasted that he now has her email address.......all the while exposing our not so nice nicknames for one another.....
This goes on for a while and we are going back & forth (my friends and I) but in a few of them we cc all and I think he was getting some of out correspondence between ourselves......
So at this point I am a bit embarrassed. Tears are rolling down my face from laughing so hard. I cant laugh quiet any longer and am making noises like I should be beaker form the Muppet's or something... AHHHHHHH my cheeks hurt.
Anyway, now that the nonsense has settled, and I do realize I am a business owner in the same town that he is um, I am a bit embarrassed. Who said free pitas free pitas? I thin it is a quote by the queen of the dorks. Free mustard samiches for everyone!!!! wooohoooooooo
And to think, I didn't have a blog topic this morning...........
oh well-till next time
Monday, March 30, 2009
I am sorry....WHAT just happened?